This airport locator will be a beneficial tool if you travel to Homer or any other city in the United States. This page provides comprehensive information about Airport, including a map of the airport’s location, the time zone, the current time and date, the latitude and longitude, and nearby hotels. In addition, A map of Airport in the United States shows its location. Finally, Airport’s IATA code, ICAO code, exchange rate, etc., are also provided.
Homer Airport Info
- Airport IATA Code: HOM
- Airport ICAO Code: PAHO
- Latitude:6436
- Longitude: -151.493
- City: Homer
- Country: United States
- World Area Code: 67
- Airport Type: Medium
Homer Airport Address/Contact Details
- Airport (HOM), , AK 99603, USA Phone: +1 907-235-8121 ext. 2222
- Airport Type: Public
- Owner: State of Alaska DOT&PF – Central Region
- Timezone: America/Anchorage
- Airport Timezone: GMT -09:00 hours
- The current time and date at Airport is 11:08:01 PM (AKST) on Sunday, Jan 29, 2023
In search of details regarding Airport in Homer, USA? Understand Airport in depth. Discover the location of Airport on a map of the United States and other airports close by. This airport locator is a beneficial tool for travelers to understand where Airport is and to provide details like hotels nearby, airlines serving Airport, etc. All airports in the United States have IATA and ICAO codes. Continue reading to learn more about or Airport, United States.
United States – General Information
- Country’s Name: The United States of America
- Country Code: S.
- Capital: Washington
- Currency: Dollar (USD)
- Tel Code: +1
- Top Level Domain: .us
Nearest Airports to Homer Airport
Below is a list of the nearest airports to Homer, USA. These are the main airports that are close to as well as other airports that are close to Airport.
Selsoviet Airport is the closest to Airport and Homer (25.35 km / 15.75 mi).
The airports closest to Homer and Airport are listed below. In addition, there is a bracketed distance listed between the two airports.
- Port Graham Airport – (37.87 Km / 23.53 Miles)
- Nanwalek Airport – (40.44 Km / 25.13 Miles)
- Ninilchik Airport – (42.33 Km / 26.3 Miles)
- Soldotna Airport – (96.01 Km / 59.66 Miles)
- Kenai Airport – (103.37 Km / 64.23 Miles)
- Juneau International Airport
Major Airlines Flying to Homer Airport, Homer
You can find all the details you require about Airport in the United States on this page. This page aims to assist tourists and travelers going to or through Airport while in the United States.
The information provided here includes:
- IATA Code (three-letter airport code) and ICAO Code for Airport (4 letter airport codes)
- Airport’s coordinates are its latitude and longitude (Lat and Long).
- Airport’s location includes the city, nation, country codes, etc.
- Airport’s time zone and current time, as well as its address and phone number, are all listed below. The airport’s website is also available.
- Google Maps clickable Airport location map.
- Information on the country in general regarding the city of Homer, which is home to the Airport. The capital of the United States, the currency and conversion rate of the U.S. dollar, the telephone country code, the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the euro in the case of the major world currencies, and other general information are all included here.
- HOM – Airport IATA Code
- PAHO – Airport ICAO code
Q1 How far is Homer Airport from central Homer?
A. Downtown Homer can be reached quickly by car from Homer Airport (HOM). It is three kilometers from the city center.
Q2 What is the name of airport?
A. If you’re flying, you won’t have to consider your airport of choice too carefully. There is only one in Homer: Homer Airport (HOM).
Q3 Where is Homer Airport?
A. Airport, a town in the Kenai Peninsula Borough of the U.S. state of Alaska, has a central business district two nautical miles (4 km) east of the airport.
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